Poker is a popular game, which people can play on many websites like 안전토토사이트. Many variants of poker can be played online easily. Beginners start playing the games with a single table while the experienced players can play on more than one table whose number can go up to 20. Beginners have to start increasing the number of tables gradually so that they can get the experience of handling each table strategically and win most of them. In this article, we will discuss the strategies of multi-tabling.

Methods of multi-tabling

There are two methods of multi-tabling, which people can use to strategize their games. These methods are discussed here.


This is one of the most popular methods that players use for multi-tabling. When the table windows are tiled on the screen, the arrangement should be done in such a way that all the windows are adjacent to each other. There should be no overlapping and the content of each window should be visible. Many poke rooms provide the facility of resizable windows. Players can resize any window to look at the activities and play their games accordingly.

Some players also use multiple monitors to arrange the windows. There are many advantages to tiling the windows. Players can use the preset buttons to discard those hands that are of no use. By following this strategy, Players can concentrate on those windows in which there are more chances of winning. Players will also be able to guess about the strategies of their opponents.


Stacking is a method, which is used to buy those players who play on a large number of tables simultaneously. The table windows have to be placed on top of each other. Players who use stacking always need to check the preferences of the poker software that is being used to play the games. The software must have the feature to bring the required window on the front when the player has to play his chance on a certain window. Many decisions in such types of methods are standardized and can also work automatically. Players need a very large monitor to stack all the windows. They can increase the size of the required table as and when required.

Strategies of multi-tabling

Here are some of the strategies, which people can apply to win most of the tables. Some of these strategies are discussed here.

ABC Poker

People have to face many types of situations when they play poker on multiple tables. They have to make decisions quickly even if there is a tricky situation. Players should use the basic style to avoid tricky situations.

Stick to one game

People should not play such games that may confuse them. Seven-card stud and razz poker are opposite to each other and may confuse. People should stick to one game in all the tables.

Wrapping Up

These are some of the strategies, which people have to make while playing games on websites like 안전토토사이트. These strategies will help them in winning most of the games.